
The PSHS 41st Grand Alumni Homecoming

sponsored by Class of 1985

Food and drinks are sponsored by Main Campus Jubilarian Batches ’85, ‘ 80, ’70, ’75, ’90, ’95, ’00, ’05.

Alumni dues will be collected (Php300 for recent graduates (2006-2010) and Php400 for all others) if not yet paid for the year.

You can pay your alumni dues before the event. You can do this online using your credit card/paypal account or deposit your alumni dues to the PSHS NAA bank account.

If you are already registered, edit your profile and change your membership level to become an active member.

If not yet a member, you can become a member here.

Only members with up-to-date dues can vote in the NAA election of officers.

More information and online registration: Homecoming 2010

Best regards,
